Digital Marketing Enhances Direct Mail Strategies

Digital Marketing Enhances Direct Mail Strategies

Leila Direct Mail Marketing

Digital Marketing Enhances Direct Mail Strategies

Experts agree that many enterprises are failing to realize the value of direct mail marketing due to lack of digital integration.

digital marketing and direct mailErica Bell, contributor for Business 2 Community, asserted that by investing in better integration of social media and other digital campaigns with direct mail efforts, companies can develop more targeted strategies. Bell explained that a direct mailing list already provides basic information about customers, including contact information and purchase history. By incorporating information from social media and analytic systems, marketers can create a database that offers enhanced insight on clients’ desires and preferences.

Bell suggested that companies collect customers’ social media handles and usernames to better track how direct mail and digital campaigns inspire engagement. She further explained that keeping track of all customer interactions in a centralized database, marketers are better able to deliver customized content.

Business 2 Community contributor and expert Jeff Gundersen also advised an increased emphasis on integrated direct marketing. He explained that by combining marketing efforts, analytics become more accurate and actionable, and strategies have the potential to be more personalized.

Cross-promotional strategies can improve marketing strategies by inciting a response from one channel that inspires activity on another…

Bell revealed that by implementing cross-promotion into direct mail campaigns, these messages can provide new value to subscribers. She suggested incorporating different kinds of offers to direct mail recipients that inspire them to engage on digital channels, and then measuring the effectiveness of these efforts to further fine-tune strategies. Measuring the results of direct mail campaigns becomes more informative when these efforts are integrated with digital channels, and as a result, marketers can ensure that information is only being sent to responsive customers. This, in turn, will cut direct mail spending while elevating customer satisfaction.

The more businesses couple direct marketing with digital techniques, the more marketers can develop a holistic customer understanding, leading to more successful campaign planning.

Ready to create your responsive email marketing campaign? We can help! Contact at 877-831-0101 or visit our email marketing services page here.

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