Email Marketing: Responsive VS Non-Responsive Email Design

Email Marketing: Responsive VS Non-Responsive Email Design

Leila Email Marketing

Email Marketing: Responsive VS Non-Responsive Email Design

Responsive VS. Non-Responsive Email Design

What is a responsive email? How does the design of an email affect the click through rates? Why does the look of an email change from my desktop to my phone? The® email deployment team understands that your email marketing campaign is important, and we want to help. Email standards continue to change. So we’ve asked our email designer to answer your questions regarding responsive email design.

responsive email designWhat is the difference between a non-responsive email and a responsive email?

Non-responsive emails are truly a one-size-fits-all email. They are built from templates using the margins typically seen on a desktop computer. A responsive email automatically adjusts to fit the margins on your phone, tablet, or desktop computer.

Why choose a responsive email?

New studies show that up to 67% of emails are opened on mobile devices and tablets rather than desktops, which means that your emails need to be customized for these devices, too. In a side-by-side comparison, the responsive layout seems smooth, easy to use, and offers a better overall experience. The likelihood of a cracked link or problematic design issues decreases with a well-crafted, responsive design.

What can happen if I use a non-responsive email or template?

By using a non-responsive email template, a customer may lose the ability to see part of the email on their mobile or tablet device. The text may suddenly be too small, or multiple columns may start to collide and fail. Customers may find themselves having to ‘zoom in’ several times to see the text. It can also cause issues when clicking links or buttons on the email.

Why is a responsive email a better choice for large scale email marketing?

It just makes sense to send a marketing email that is formatted to look great on phones, tablets, and other mobile devices. Content can be seen without having to scroll down, links are made simple, and the design elements can be crafted to look good for both desktop and mobile devices. With a responsive email’s ease of use, people of all ages and demographics can click, order, subscribe, and download, which makes email marketing a better experience for you and your customer.

Ready to create your responsive email marketing campaign? We can help! Contact at 877-831-0101 or visit our email marketing services page here

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