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        60% Discount on Updated Sales Leads

        DatabaseUSA.com® compiles one of the most accurate Targeted Marketing Lists available.

        Harness the power of sales leads. It’s no secret that direct mail and email marketing can help increase your business’s customer acquisition rate. With DatabaseUSA.com®, your target customer is easier than ever to find. DatabaseUSA.com® offers valuable information – which can be extracted from our business and consumer data sets.

        We offer accurate, targeted marketing leads which include lifestyle characteristics, income, and household data as well as our DatabaseUSA.com® Business Lists which include annual revenue, number of employees, business location square footage, number of PC’s and many more search criteria.

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        small business leads

        Tim Pinkerton

        VP of Sales

        Complete the form or call us at 877-831-0101 for more information on DatabaseUSA.com® Special Offers!