The Novelty of Direct Mail

The Novelty of Direct Mail

Leila DatabaseUSA Services

The Novelty of Direct Mail® delves into the benefits of Direct Mail, a novel approach to marketing in today’s bogged down digital world.

The Benefits of Direct Mail

Direct Mail allows you to target your audience via the most affordable, user-friendly and preferred marketing channel. With accurate information from®, you can ensure your marketing message will be seen and remain visible as a tangible reminder.

the novelty of direct mailBenefits include:

  • Personalized & Highly Targeted
  • Cost Effective & Measurable
  • Simple Campaign Design & Deployment
  • Multi-channel Marketing Engagement

Direct Mail Is ‘In’

Times are changing. The generation who once valued the new-found digital stream has shifted. Receiving physical mail has as become the less invasive marketing channel and appeals to those who know the digital realm best. Direct mail is the original, genuine marketing strategy and it is making a comeback. In fact, the USPS reports “47% of Millennial’s actually check their physical mailbox each day and also spend more time going through the mail they receive, including direct mail marketing material.”

Encourage Engagement with Multi-Channel Marketing

Expand your presence and spread your message utilizing multiple marketing strategies. Create an experience for your prospects and improve brand awareness. Motivate your customers to engage with print material, digital advertising, emails offers and more.

Forbes reports a case study that found after sending a print campaign motivating customers to visit the website, “there was a 35% increase in website activity.”® provides you with the most accurate homeowner and consumer data for your Direct Mail campaigns. Ensure your message reaches your prospect’s mailbox with Direct Mail.

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